International Trademark Filing

Take your business global with international trademark filing.

Trademark rights are granted for a particular country for which the brand name is filed. Hence, application needs to be filed for each country in which the applicant is doing business.

The trademark process for each country can be considered almost similar. However, timelines and applicable fees varies.

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Discussion / Collection Of Information Basis The Country

Approval And Filing

Sharing Of Filing Receipt

And guess how much time all this work takes?

Day only

Document Required

ID Proof

Brand name and Logo

Description of the goods and services

Power of attorney

What happens after Trademark filing? Let's check out Trademark Process Click Here

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Frequently Asked Questions

Online brand name search in case of other countries is not readily available. The process can be undertaken through local attorneys and is optional.

Currently the process for online International filings is available for limited countries only. The application is filed through WIPO and before filing one should be aware of the process applicable for that particular country.

Trademark government fee varies from country to country. For the countries in which filing can be undertaken through WIPO, fee can be calculated through Madrid Fee calculator

There are various factors to be considered for deciding the method of International filing. Factors such as already registered trademark in India, applicable fees, transparency in application progress, etc play an important role to determine the filing method.

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